Migraine is a commonly use term for severe headaches these days. However, not all headaches fall under the category of migraine. Migraines are a severe and comparatively painful headache, resulting due to certain specific physiological changes, which occur in the brain.
Migraine headaches are often associate with symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, increase sensitivity to light or sound, blind spots, flashes of light, tingling sensation in the arms and legs. Migraines cause an excruciating pain which can make you suffer for some hours, or even a few days.
A migraine can be trigger due to several reasons such as: irregular sleep, changes in sleep pattern, emotional or physical stress, fasting or skipping meals and allergic reactions. Sometimes bright lights, perfumes or certain smells or loud noises are also responsible for migraines.
In women, migraines may also be trigger by contraceptive pills, alteration in menstrual cycle or hormonal changes at the beginning of menopause.
Alcohol and certain foods such as peanut butter, chocolate, pickle foods or dairy products are also responsible for migraine headaches. Foods contain certain compounds like monosodium glutamate (MSG), nitrates as in bacon, hot dogs or salami and tyramine containing foods like smoked fish, chicken livers, aged cheese and red wine also cause migraines.
What are Essential Oils?
Essential oils are volatile therapeutic oils obtain from plants by the process of distil steam or water. Essential oils are extract from parts of plant such as leaves, flowers, bark, seeds, fruits or heartwood of trees. These oils are find out to medicinal properties and widely use for therapeutic purposes. Most of the essential oils are clear, but lemongrass, orange and patchouli are amber or yellow in colour.
Essential oils are not the same as perfumes but they are essences which are derived from plants unlike perfumes, which are usually artificially created. These are highly odoriferous oils which are absolutely volatile. Essential oils having several therapeutic properties, which are use to promote good health and wellness.
Essential Oils for Migraines:
Migraines can be trigger at the spur of a moment. One of the best natural remedies for migraine essential oils help to provide relief from headaches and improve your mood too.
These oils are usually combine with some carrier oil such as: apricot kernel oil, sweet almond oil or grape seed oil as they are too strong to be used on their own.
There are a number of essential oils which are capable of providing relief from migraine headaches. However, these essential oils for migraine are not the cure for any other medical issues associated with migraines. If the migraine worsens, it is better to seek medical advice.
Some of the essential oils for migraine headaches are:
1. Lavender oil:
Lavender essential oil is perfect to use for relieving migraine during the evening and night time. This oil has a good percentage of esters and lineally acetate that has sedative and anti-inflammatory properties.
2. Eucalyptus oil:
Eucalyptus essential oil is capable of providing relief from migraines, particularly those caused by sinus headaches. It is found to contain a remarkable quantity of the oxide 1, 8-Cineole which has expectorant, stimulating, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties. This oil has several other medicinal properties as well.
3. Peppermint oil:
Peppermint essential oil is good for muscular aches, pains, mental relaxation and to alleviate migraines caused due to tensions. It’s contains good amount of menthol. However, this oil is quite restorative and may cause hindrance with sleeping so it advisable not to use it at night. This oil provides great relief from headache, nausea, fever, respiratory problems and pains in general.
4. Spearmint oil:
Spearmint oil contains comparatively more quantity of menthol and is more preferred mint based oil for relieving migraine headaches. This oil offers antiseptic, cephalic antispasmodic, carminative, stimulant and restorative properties. Spearmint oil relaxes the mind, relieves stress and helps to cure headaches and migraines.
5. Roman Chamomile oil:
Roman Chamomile essential oil for migraine has sedative and anti-inflammatory properties. This oil has a significant quantity of esters, isobutyl angelate and helps to relieve migraine headaches. It is found to provide excellent results when used during the evening or at night. This essential oil has several properties such as: it is an antispasmodic, antidepressant, stimulant, sedative, nervine, carminative and analgesic. It not only provides relief form headaches but from muscular pain as well.
6. Jasmine oil:
Jasmine essential oil is widely use in aromatherapy for massages. It has antidepressant, sedative, antiseptic and expectorant properties. Jasmine oil has a calming effect on the mind, boosts energy, enhances mood and also provides relief from migraine. The main components of this essential oil are Benzoic acid, Benzyl acetate, Benzaldehyde etc.
7. Rosemary oil:
Rosemary essential oil has a wide range of health benefits; it provides relief from pain, relieves stress, boosts mental activity, enhances the immune system and is good for skin care. Rosemary essential oil and lavender essential oil when blended together provide effective treatment for stiff necks which cause migraine headaches. It is an excellent tonic for the brain and nerves.
Benefits of using essential oils for migraines:
Essential oils for migraines have an absolute healing effect on the mind, body and soul. Essential oils can improve your emotional health, help to relax, are excellent for skincare and have several other health benefits too.
The aroma and chemical composition of essential oils are responsible for their physical therapeutic and psychological benefits.
Essential oils are generally used in diluted form for topical application. Inhalation of these oils and CBD for migraines can also provide desired results. Essential oils can be used for body massages, to enhance concentration and also during meditation, to provide a calming effect on the mind. There are several benefits of using essential oil for migraines. Some of these are:
No side-effects:
Essential oils are organic plant products which are devoid of any harmful chemical substances. These support the body and cure ailments without any side effects. However, it is better to check for therapeutic grade essential oils as perfume grade essential oils may contain certain harmful chemicals.
Easily absorbed:
Essential oils can easily penetrate the skin and are absorb by the cell membranes. They can instantly diffuse through the blood and tissues in the body. They help us deal with stress, anxiety, anger and other emotions apart from relieving certain physical pains.
Long term relief:
Essential oils provide long term relief from certain conditions due to their anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiseptic properties. These have remarkable uses for skin care, acne, emotional wellness and spiritual well-being.
Natural remedies:
Essential oils are non-toxic natural remedies for several ailments and promote overall wellness. Essential oils are found to soothe joints and muscles, aid in digestion, minimise hair fall, treat skin conditions and can treat various other health conditions too.
While looking out for an essential oil for migraines it is recommend to choose with one of high quality therapeutic grade, which is pure, for medicinal use and steam distil. Avoid direct application of essential oil on the skin as these are highly concentrate and may have an adverse reaction or cause irritability.
Essential oils should be dilute with carrier oils or water prior to application. It is not advisable to ingest essential oils under any circumstance. Consult a medical practitioner if you experience migraines, headaches or any other serious health concerns. Seek the guidance of the doctor for pain relief and treatment of migraine as well.