Have you ever stopped to think about your hearing and how it works? Probably not. Have you ever worked in a noisy environment or spent a lot of your youth going to concerts and festivals? Probably. We rarely stop to think about how our hearing could be deteriorating naturally with age or being damaged in everyday life. However, around 28.8 million US adults could benefit from hearing aids. We thought the best way to get people thinking more about their hearing health is to answer your most frequently asked hearing aid questions.

Hearing aids are one of the best ways to combat hearing loss and get your hearing loud and clear. These small electronic items come in various styles and sizes with a wide range of capabilities that help you hear better and prevent further hearing loss.

How Do Hearing Aids Work?

Sometimes people are afraid at the thought of wearing hearing aids as they wrongly believe they somehow fuse to the ear or connect wires deep within your brain. We can assure you that this isn’t the case.

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Hearing aids are small and discreet electronic devices that magnify the vibrations entering the ear using a microphone. A processor then amplifies this sound to a specific level (different for each user,) and this sound is then delivered into your ear using a speaker.

Are There Any Side Effects with Using Hearing Aids?

Your hearing aids are designed to be comfortable. You shouldn’t notice that they are even fitted, but you definitely shouldn’t experience any side effects like skin irritation, pain, soreness, or itching. If you experience any of these side effects once your hearing aids are fitted, you could contact your hearing specialist and have the fit adjusted.

Will They Give Me Perfect Hearing?

Since their invention in 1898, technology, comfort, and capabilities have come on leaps and bounds. Unfortunately, this does not mean they reverse the effects of time and give you completely perfect hearing.

Hearing aids are devices designed to help you hear better, so you may still find that you have trouble hearing conversations or soft sounds in certain noisy situations. Even people with perfect hearing will tend to miss the odd word here and there in bustling, busy environments.

Can Hearing Aids Help with Tinnitus?

If you are a tinnitus sufferer, you have probably heard of all the different tips for getting relief, like meditation and avoiding quiet spaces. Many people want to know if hearing aids are an alternative solution to the problem, and the answer is yes and no.

Hearing aids can be a relief source for many people who suffer from tinnitus by increasing the volume and quality of the sounds around you, thus reducing the impact of the recurring head noise associated with tinnitus. That said, not everyone benefits from the amplification of sounds to minimize the effect of tinnitus. If hearing aids don’t work in your battle against tinnitus, it might be worth exploring tinnitus retraining therapy to get relief.

How Long Do Hearing Aids Last?

We know that hearing aids aren’t cheap and therefore you are going to want to know how often you will have to replace them. The answer depends on a few things. First of all, you need to look after your hearing aids. These are delicate electronic devices that require relatively regular cleaning. If you don’t take good care of them, you are likely to have to get them replaced more frequently.

Secondly, there are constant technological advancements in hearing technology which means that you might want to upgrade your hearing aid technology once every couple of years to take advantage of the newest features.

However, generally, people will keep one pair of hearing aids for at least five or six years as they can stand a fair amount of wear and tear, and many people get used to the hearing aids they like.

Can Hearing Aids Help Deafness?

Hearing aids work by amplifying the sounds around you to help you hear. Therefore, if you are truly deaf, even with the most powerful hearing aid fitted, it won’t help you hear better.

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However, even people who are classified as deaf generally have some level of hearing. Therefore, some of the more powerful hearing aids may help provide some form of hearing help.

Do Hearing Aids Take Time to Adjust To?

Although it won’t be the case for everyone, there is generally a period of adjustment when wearing hearing aids for the first time. After suffering hearing loss for an extended period, it will take your brain a little while to recognize sounds it had forgotten due to audio deprivation.

If you are thinking about getting hearing aids, visit your local hearing aid specialist and take advantage of their expert advice. If it is your first hearing aid experience, you might find that your hearing specialist suggests you work your way up from wearing your hearing aids for a few hours a day to the entire day. It is essential to follow the advice of your hearing specialist and be patient because better hearing health is worth the wait.

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