If you don’t want this to be the case in your company there are three simple steps you can take to streamline your recruitment process and make it effective every time.
Step 1: Identify Your Goals
When a hiring manager realises someone is leaving or they have a new position opening in the team, they will often hurriedly write the details for the job advertisement and then forget all about it until interview day arrives. This doesn’t make for a smooth process so the first step, before the advert has even been created, is to sit down and to think about what the successful candidate needs in terms of skills; experience; education and training; and personality fit with the team.
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This should be formulated into a job specification with some clear criteria attached so that candidates can be scored. Not only does this streamline the hiring cycle, it also protects you from any claims of discrimination, as it is an objective process.
Step 2: Scrutinising the CV
As the applications arrive you can then scrutinize them to see who is a potential fit. You can do a first quick pass over the CVs to weed out anyone who doesn’t possess the required level of experience; education, such as a relevant degree if that is a prerequisite; or the right skill set.
It is difficult to judge personality and aptitude from a CV alone, therefore this should be left for the testing stage. However, there may be indicators on the CV of potential beneficial areas of capability. For example, if you are recruiting at graduate level, naturally many of the applicants might lack previous work related experience. However, you can see if they have ever volunteered with an organisation; run a student club; or even spent time abroad during a gap year or college vacations. These experiences demonstrate pro-activity, planning skills, the ability to be organised and the willingness on the part of the candidate to step outside their comfort zone.
Step 3: Testing and Interviews
The final step, and one which includes a much smaller pool because of your ability to weed out many candidates during step two, is testing and interviewing. Naturally you need to test candidates to see if they possess the required knowledge and skill level for the job, especially if there are any technical requirements. However, aptitude for the role, company fit and personality traits are also important. Psychometric testing can be hugely beneficial in these areas, and again it helps to guard you against claims of discrimination, as it is objective based and not solely reliant on the interviewee and interviewer having a chat. With that in mind managers should also receive training in interview technique to allow them to elicit the most revealing responses from candidates and to ensure the best fit is found.
To make sure the interviews are completed in as short a time-frame as possible, ensure all the necessary managers are available on the day and block out calendars so the required time can be devoted to a successful hire. There is nothing worse for an applicant than having to return multiple times to see different people, and it’s a huge time wasting process for both the candidate and the company.
Benefits of a Streamlined Hiring Process
A more streamlined recruitment process leads to lower costs and a reduced time commitment. First, you will enjoy lower advertising costs because your job specifications will be much more clearly outlined and therefore a higher percentage of better fitting candidates will apply.
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Second, managers will have to devote fewer hours to interviewing because only highly relevant candidates will make it through to the interview stage. If you also cover travel expenses for applicants this too will be a lower outlay as you should be interviewing fewer, but more highly targeted, people. This is particularly important if you usually invite candidates to travel extensive distances, including from overseas.
Finally, the testing stage combined with a better interview technique, ensures a candidate who is the right fit for the job and therefore likely to remain in the position, and hopefully in the company as they tend to be promoted, for a much longer time. Therefore, you will need to repeat the hiring process much less frequently, the ultimate way to save time and money.